Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Best Business that You Can Start in 2015

     There’s never been a better time to be an entrepreneur. Technology is more powerful and affordable than ever and social media has made it possible to promote your business in ways that are often more effective than expensive advertising campaigns. And if you need startup funds to get going, crowd funding and alternative lending sites are making it much easier to get your business off the ground.
Here’s a list of 5 business to inspire you to start your business in 2015.

1. Hair Styling Business

Filipinos are born to be hygienic, which means they clean themselves several times in a day. But when it comes to maintaining hygiene, hair has been an important thing to consider. Most people have their haircut or hairstyling within a week or a month.
Although we know that few people can cut their own hair, not all people can do it. Having this business can be a success or failure depending on your employee or the hairstylist.
You need someone who is skilled in this industry to make your business “BOOM” or simply to make your business skyrocket. Aside from that, you will need a good location and business permits too.
If hair-styling is one of your passion or hobbies, well, that’s good news for you. Now, you just need to start it and make it happen.

2.Baking Business

Baking business is also a popular business in the Philippines not only because Filipino loves bread but also because bread is secondary to rice, which is our staple diet.
There are lots of products that you can create by baking, and there are also risks in doing this business. The first risk is that you can’t be sure that all your products will be sold, but do not worry because you can always focus on creating the best-selling bread. This way you will reduce that risk.
To get started you just need baking equipment, business permit and talent on baking.

3. Online Selling Business

This is very similar to the buy and sell business except that you will bring your products online. This is best for people who have their physical store and want to have more exposure on the Internet.
Building an authority and trust-worthy business will be the key to your success since you are only communicating online. Make sure to build a positive review about your business while you’re on the go.

4. Flea Market Business or tianggĂȘ

Flea market is where people rent a small space and sell goods. Unlike buying on malls, flea market has an interesting feature. You can bargain the things that you want to buy here.
This is also the reason why this is very popular to Filipinos—you can buy things here on a lower price. If your products are good, people tend to buy from you instead from other sellers.
Avoid being infuriated especially when you are dealing with someone who wants to buy. Expect that not everyone will buy from you, so you need to have the charisma and the right attitude when dealing with people.

5. Printing Business

Printing can have a very good market especially when you are in the Philippines. Companies that use traditional marketing create tarpaulins, billboards, and other advertising materials.
Aside from marketing purpose, printing business also works on special occasions. This can be birthdays, anniversaries, and funerals.
Getting the right location for this kind of business is very crucial. A few of the best place to start this business is near a school, wherein students need to print different materials for their daily projects.
Remember to plan all the necessary things before creating this business.

Via Tycoon PH

Business in Online Selling

We will be talking about your skepticism and willingness to start an Online selling business. Here are answers for some frequently asked question about online selling.

Before we start, why are social networks is part of Online Selling?   
         Now a day’s most of the social networks have become an instrument for selling items and goods. Some of the people uses social network as their way for advertising their products and services they offer. In this so called Online Business can be your stepping stone to success with the use of the SOCIAL NETWORKS.

What is Online Selling?

 Online Selling is a process/method where the seller who uses computer is connected to a network of computers called "Cloud" or we also call "Internet". You can post your products to social networks where so many people can see and access it easily. In some social networks there are groups meant for Online selling and has thousands of member (Buyers and Sellers). Posting your Products/ Services that you offer in these groups can be a great advantage, for there are a lot of potential buyers, or people can see it and refer it to those who are looking. Just make it sure that you have mention the price of your product/services and your contact number so if there will be a potential buyer they can contact you and ask for more details about your product. 

How is the Transaction made?

The Transaction can be made in various ways, based upon the location and agreement with the seller and the buyer. The product can be delivered in front of your door through shipment, or delivered directly by the seller. Another one, you can meet in a certain place to pick up the products, for example in a mall or park which is accessible for them.  For the payment, you can give it personally or you can use money transfer.

Is there anything I should be aware of?

Yes, there is. Beware of scammers! There are people who are taking advantage in Online Selling. They will try to deceive you by selling you some products that is said to be brand new, then after shipping, then it turns out that the product inside the package where broken, old and used products, or maybe expired goods. And the Worst case is you will not receive anything from the seller. And there are some cases that the personnel’s of the forwarding company are stealing items from the package. 

 Since there where incidence like this you should take some precautions, first check the background of the seller, ask some people who are in the Online Selling Group to know if the seller is credible and trustworthy. As much as possible meet with the seller personally so you can check the product and to confirm if it’s the product you order, if you have bought a gadget, you can test it to ensure that it is functioning well.

Wait! There’s more!

 If you really doubt starting an online selling business or buying product in a social network, there is another way, you can always go to some certified online selling and shopping websites. You can see the top ten lists of Online Shopping sites at Pinoy Techno Guide these sites can guarantee you the best service you can get. Start your own online selling business now!  Online shopping is now a trend! There might be difficulties in the start but sooner or later you might live up with your dreams!

Monday, January 19, 2015

How to Stay Happy

While most people would argue having a life you love will make you happy, I would argue that happiness will help you to create a life you love.
Think about it. Emotions create reality.
Be happy = manifest more in your world to be happy about. Be unhappy = manifest more in your world to be unhappy about. Easy peasy.
What? Not so easy?
No, I guess it isn’t. If it were, then more people would actually be happy, wouldn’t they?
Yes, staying happy is a constant effort. Notice I didn’t say it’s a struggle… it’s not. But we do have to stay conscious about it and continue to do what it takes to “keep the happy”. And what does it take?
Well, I suppose this might be a little different for everyone, but I have 10 suggestions, most of which on their own do shift people into happy—but combined together they are kick-ass vibe lifters!
I challenge anyone to stay unhappy if they earnestly apply these suggestions:


Intentions are the cornerstones to creating your reality folks. And every part of your life deserves at least one! Here is mine for my well-being emotionally:
I intend to live in the now and feel greater and greater depths of love, fun, joy, happiness, ecstasy, compassion and caring for myself and others; to have fun continuously, and to open (more every day) to my creativity, psychic abilities and passion.


When you think of yourself, do you think of an ecstatically happy person? No? Well lets change that shall we?
Your self concept keeps you locked into a reality that will support your self concept. Change your vision of yourself, and you will change your reality.
Affirmation: I am happy and becoming happier each and every day!


It doesn’t take much of this to shift from self-pity (or any other constrictive state) to happy. Keeping a gratitude journal is one of the most amazing ways to stay happy and exuding a flow of good things coming to you.
The caveat: you must do this in earnest. Writing a laundry list that you don’t feel real love and appreciation towards is an exercise in futility. It only counts if you’re actually feeling the gratitude.


It’s hard to feel happy if you feel powerless and hopeless. And some people have good reason to feel this way, and perhaps happiness eludes them. You’re not one of them.
If you are reading this blog you are ready to accept your divinity, your power and your ability to create your own reality. But it doesn’t happen overnight and it doesn’t happen just by saying it.
If you have beliefs that deny who you are, that downplay your power, that imply you don’t deserve a phenomenal and exciting life you absolutely adore, then change them.
If you are serious about being ecstatically happy and creating a life you love, your growth should be a priority. It is possible. Commit.


One of the biggest happiness stealers is multi-tasking.
What? You couldn’t live without multi-tasking? Ok, fine. But you will have to give up ‘multi-thinking’ if you are serious about happiness.
Most of us are so focused on what is left to do, we stop paying attention to what it is we aredoing. And it stops being enjoyable. And there goes our happy.
Give yourself 5 minutes a day, or 5 minutes 3 times a day, to make a list of what needs to be accomplished that day. That’s it. The rest of the time, slow down and be present.
Really feel the sun on your face as you walk to the car. Really pay attention to that store clerk who bags your groceries. Send ‘em a little love. Really focus on that email and only that email, not the 72 unread in your inbox.
This is a magical fix folks. Try it. You’ll like it.


We all have things that nurture us, that feed our soul and rejuvenate us. Some of these things are actual needs.
I have a need for solitude. If I don’t get solitude at least once a week if not each day, I am not a happy camper. Life gets hard and I get cranky. For me, solitude is a need.
For my husband, physical exercise is a need. When he is able to swim, bike, play tennis or ski, everything else he does gets easier. For him, exercise is a need.
What are your needs? Are you giving yourself permission to fill them?
And what feeds your Soul? Things that feed your Soul aren’t needs, they are preferences that offer great benefit. They are the things that you love that make you more.
Being in nature may feed your Soul. Beauty may feed your Soul. Music may do this for some. Hobbies do this for others.
Giving yourself the permission and time to do the things that nurture you is a key to staying happy.


Your body has needs, which if not heeded, can have debilitating effects on your physical andemotional bodies. Good clean diet, exercise to fit your temperament, and relaxation activities to reduce stress should all be part of your normal way of life.
If they aren’t, please add them. A body undernourished, filled with toxins, and stressed out is not going to add to your happiness or your ability to consciously create your world.
If you don’t believe you can add these things to your life, for either financial reasons or time constraints, change those beliefs! Your life is your creation.


Ah, now don’t get excited, that’s not what I’m talking about.
I am talking about amazing mood altering, nature given flower essences and aromatherapy.
I have worked with Bach Flower Remedies for years. And they are phenomenally effective (actually miraculous) in lifting your emotional well-being to higher states.
Aromatherapy is another great way to change your mood. Simple and effective, aromatherapy is in widespread use by medical professionals in Europe and although it hasn’t caught on as well in the USit is readily available.
There are lots of good aromatherapy books out there, but make sure you only buy 100% pure essential oils.


We all need a little help sometimes. And that goes for mentally and emotionally too.
If you are dealing with intense grief, depression, anxiety or other debilitating emotional states, find someone to help you through this until you can manage getting to the happy place by yourself.


Finally, don’t forget to call on your unseen friends. Although this is listed last, it is actually thefirst thing I do when I find myself in a state less than total joy!
How do you ask for help? Just say something like (in your head), “Hey Higher Self, Soul, counselors, and the rest of my team, I intend to feel happy, and I’m not there right now… please help me to get there?”
That’s it. They are always there… always listening, and if you allow them, will always help.
Good luck staying happy folks… I know it’s possible, and I know you deserve it.

In joyous creation,