Saturday, September 5, 2015

MARKETING ESSENTIALS: The Key to Successful Life

"Life is all about marketing" - Anonymous

What do you really want in life? Have you ever thought of the ways to achieve it? Or have you ever encounter problems you've tried to solve and ending it with failure?

If you think your life is a total failure, and you finally get tired of it, why not try to use some essential marketing skills to improve yourself and become successful in life?

We often not aware of it but, actually we do marketing in our daily activities, by enhancing those skills; we will eventually open the doors to endless opportunities.

Marketing can be used in every single conversation. Explaining your thoughts, persuading people or even discussing important issues/topics with your family or friends and consoling you friend. -It's all about marketing.

For me, Life and marketing are similar. A lot of lessons I've learned in school over the years are considerably part of my daily life, and many of the lessons I learned in life are being applied perfectly in marketing (vice versa).

There are a few tips in market;no matter whom you are or what you do in Life, I hope these essential marketing skills can help you become successful;

1. The Power of the Pareto Principle

In 1906 an Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto, discovered that 20% of the Italian population owned 80% of the nations wealth. Further studies revealed that The Pareto Principle, as it became known, affects us all in every aspect of life.

This has real value for your life work,

If you can identify which efforts gets the best results, you can apply your time and focus far more effectively.

In other words, you do more of what actually matter.
For example:

  • 20% of your tasks produce 80% of your results.
  • 20% of a meeting gives you 80% if the information.
  • 20% of clients create 80% of your sales.
  • 20% of the clothes in your wardrobe are worn 80% of the time!
  • 20% of your colleagues account for 80% of your attention.
And so on..

2. Customer Segmentation in Everyday Life

Segmenting your customers will take the 80/20 rule a step further, in the book "The Arena of Everyday Life" by Carja Butijin et al. Stated there that in social marketing the customer is, by nature, central. The use of segmentation's and segment has been proven in social marketing to provide 'tailor made' services for specific subgroups while cost are kept low as possible (Kotler et al., 2002; Lagasse, 2004). This means that you should understand the different types of people you deal with and tailor your approach to them. There are many different ways you can segment the people you encounter and only you can decide which is right for yourself. Once you have segmented the people into groups, you can develop strategies for the best way to deal with them.

3. The Strategic Function of Marketing Communications

Communication is, of course, essential in any relationship. Building and managing relationships with people has a direct bearing on marketing communications. Marketing Communications help define an organisation's relationship with the customers not only by the kind of messages exchanged, but also by the choice of media and occasion to suit their customer's preferences. "A Good Marketing Communications tell a story and use emotion and personal examples to stimulate interest"- Ilan Nass.

You should express what you think and what you feel, so people could understand you.

4. The Game Theory

In the 1920's, mathematical wizard John von Neumann developed the Game theory. Game Theory is the theory of rational decision making, where your decision will have consequences for the decisions of others and their decisions will help shape yours.

This means that the situation where how well you do depend on what others do.

These are the marketing essentials that have took part in my daily life helping me in every way , I'm hoping that it will do the same thing to you as well. Life is all about marketing; it's all a matter of how we market ourselves.